Saturday, January 1, 2011

CR at FCC ~ The first day of 2011

~ Making the beginning is one third of the work. ~

HAPPY NEW YEAR to my dear friends! Don't look back" Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. " Going into the new year remember God's got a plan for your life and He's given each one of us gifts! Don't hoard them,but spread the wealth! Life savings "If we take of the moments, the years will take care of themselves."  ~ Hugs Bob

The NEW YEAR is always a good time for reflection. I know everyday we should reflect, but the start of a new calendar year naturally sparks questions like, "What was I doing this time last year?" "What have I done this year?"
Personally, I missed some 'goals'. I wanted to accomplish a few things that didn't get done, But looking back I am also amazed at how much progress has been made with His grace and power. I am more active, working a new job with more money, I am one more year sober, and, as if overnight, the CR group at FCC blossomed into a family!
So, I've decided that when I look back at 2010 it will not be to see where I came up short, but it will be to count my blessings and to see where the Saviour transformed, blessed, and forgave me. How about you? Happy New Year to CR at FCC! ~ with love, Kathleen

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